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Enterprises of the building material branch act and expel numerous products from the areas of Building materials, construction systems and construction elements. It expects you the competence of the specialised trade, consultation and delivery from building materials, as well as an extensive offer of modern building materials and construction elements for your renovation, renovation or new building. On the portals, and you can expect offers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
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building materials trade & building elements

738 results found

BUN Baustoff-Union Neuenhagen GmbH Neuenhagen bei Berlin

Caparol Farben-Lacke-Bautenschutz Berlin Niederschöneweide

Dobberkau Stahlhandel GmbH & Co. KG Verkaufsbüro Wittenberge Wittenberge

Drößler GmbH & Co Sanitärfachhandel KG Berlin

Eifeler Naturstein & Betonbauteile GmbH Niederlassung Calau Calau

ELG Baustoffhandel Calau eG Calau

Erich Krüger & Sohn Jüterbog

Eschmann GmbH & Co KG Storkow

Fa.Harsa Fliesen für Berlin und Brandenburg Berlin Neustadt

Fa.Perka-Zimmerei & Holzhandlung GmbH & Co. KG Lübbenau

Fa.Tortechnik Henze Erkner

Fliesen Schmidt Bad Liebenwerda

Fliesenland Berlin Charlottenburg

FM-Treppen Berlin Johannisthal

Gronau GmbH Bauelemente und Beschlaghandel Frankfurt/Oder

Guido Teschner Betonsteinwerk Premnitz OT Döberitz

Heizungs- und Sanitär Großhandel Udo Rottstock Zauchwitz

HFM Nordholz Handelsgesellschaft mbH Berlin

Historische Bauelemente - Fenster, Türen, Tore - Montagen Berlin

Holz-Zentrum Theile GmbH Elsterwerda

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