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Charity, life help and protective community not always is self-evident fact!Unusual aid to children, innovative and socially engaged projects for addicted, ideas and support with homelessness and hunger - stands exemplarily for social, Christian, charitable and helpful.Get to know here more about offers from relief organisations, charitable associations, self-help groups, Diakonien and other beneficent people!For a human and socially fair society – you pass your hand!
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319 results found

dolife KG Berlin Wilmersdorf

DRK-Kreisverband Neustadt

Ernst-Freiberger-Stiftung Berlin Berlin Charlottenburg

Evangelisches Johannesstift Berlin Berlin

Frauen- und KinderSchutzhaus Lauchhammer Lauchhammer

Hospiz- und PalliativVerband Berlin

Independent Living Frankfurt (Oder)

Jugendclub Fabrik e.V. Guben Guben

Jugendhilfe Cottbus e.V. Cottbus

Lachesis e.V. (Werder) Werder / Havel

Lumia Stiftung Berlin Charlottenburg

Mieterverein Potsdam und Umgebung e.V. Potsdam

PeWoBe-Gemeinnützige Soziale Betreungsgesellschaft mbH Cottbus

SCARABÄUS Hoher Fläming e.V. Schmerwitz

Sozialatlas Lausitz e.V. Cottbus

Studentenwerk Potsdam Potsdam

THW OV Eberswalde Eberswalde

Volkssolidarität in Brandenburg e. V. Kreisverband Wittstock Wittstock

Volkssolidarität Spree-Neiße e.V. Forst (Lausitz)

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