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Rohema Percussion: Drumsticks Mallets Percussion

About ROHEMA Percussion oHG

Rohema Percussion - The German Drumstick, Mallets, Drumsticks, Percussion, Taktstöcke und Orff Instrumente made in germay seit 1888 aus Markneukirchen

Information how to contact us:
Web: present those is not attainable homepage)
Email us today
+49(0)37422 2562
+49(0)37422 3210
Contact us
Postal address:

ROHEMA Percussion oHGz. hp ROHEMA Percussion oHGUntere Tropitzschen 2
08258 Markneukirchen
Germany • Sachsen • Vogtlandkreis

Product- / search words:

Percussion Instrumente Claves Klanghölzer shaker Maracas röhrentrommeln Blocktrommeln Holztamburin Tamburin

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