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Schleifgeräte für Dönermesser, Elektrische Döner Schneidemaschine,Schleifgerät für Kreismesser Schleifmaschine schleifapparate Tandif Schärfemaschine


About Goek Ltd.

Based on our experience, we have launched our own brand for 25 years: Zeybek We offer our own patented products worldwide. We have a wide range of products, starting with various models of doner knives and sanders for doner knives, electric doner cutting machines, patented HOOD CLEAN air purification systems and AERO-STER air disinfection systems. Our own products are mainly used in Germany, France, Holland, Belgium and Switzerland as well as worldwide. Our customers are mainly wholesalers and resellers.

Information how to contact us:
Email us today
07271 – 41644
Contact us
Postal address:

Goek Ltd.z. hp Mr. Dipl.Ing. Ilhan GökRaiffeisenstr. 7b
76744 Wörth-Maximiliansau
Germany • Rheinland Pfalz • Germersheim

Product- / search words:

schleifgerät für kreismesser schleifgerät für dönermesser Elektrische Dönerschneidemaschine Dönermesser Schleifgerät Schleifsteine Döner Schneidgerät Gyros Schneidgerät Schleifvorrichtung Kreismesserschleifgerät Zeybek Dönermesser Elektrische Dönermesser HOOD CLEAN Luftreinigungsanlagen AEROSTER Luftentkeimungsgeräte Luftsterilisationsgerät Zeybek T-120 Zeybek S-120 Schleifmaschine für Kreismesser Schleifmaschine fürDönermesser Schleifstein für Kreismesser Schleifstein für Schleifgerät

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