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Ready for the holidays? A huge selection of over 4000 hotels in Germany, Austria and Switzerland is looking forward to your visit!Fulfill your wishes with information about hotels and hotel facilities in a neat ambience and good food, e.g. also with indoor pool and sauna area, maybe you prefer sporty variants on the beach or in the mountains?Countless offers for family vacationers, individual vacationers, group travelers and city travelers await your favor. On the portals, and you will find offers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
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2772 results found

Filmhotel und Restaurant "Lili Marleen" Potsdam Babelsberg

Flair Hotel Adlerbad Familie Häfner Bad Peterstal-Griesbach

Four Seasons Berlin Berlin Dahlem

Gast-und Reiterhof "Zur Aue" Groß Schacksdorf-Simmersdorf OT Groß Schacksdorf

Gasthaus " Zum Erlkönig" Burg ( Spreewald )

Gasthaus "Zum Winkel" Zützen

Gasthaus "Zur Post" Spremberg

Gasthaus Paesch Spreenhagen

Gasthof "Goldener Hahn" Frankfurt (Oder)

Globana Airport Hotel Schkeuditz bei Leipzig

Gold Hotel am Wismarplatz Berlin

Golf-Club Margarethenhof am Tegernsee Waakirchen/Zf. üb .Marienstein

Golfhotel Balmer See Benz/OT Balm

Grand Hotel Esplanade Berlin Berlin Kreuzberg

Gutshaus Petkus Baruth Mark / OT Petkus

Gutshotel Groß Breesen - 1. Bücherhotel Deutschlands Groß Breesen bei Zehna

Hackbarth Hotel Berlin Lichtenrade

Hotel "Alte Mühle" Schöneiche bei Berlin

Hotel "Bayrisches Haus" Touristik GmbH Potsdam

Hotel "Deutscher Kaiser" Perleberg

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