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Sauna & Wellness Bad Rothenfelde | carpesol SPA Therme

About carpesol Spa Therme in Bad Rothenfelde

carpesol Bad Rothenfelde ★ Thermalbad, Sauna, SPA & Wellness ★ Schwimmbad, Natursole-Therme & Oase der Erholung ★ Eintauchen, entspannen & wohlfühlen

Information how to contact us:
Email us today
05424 - 22 14 60 0
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Postal address:

carpesol Spa Therme in Bad RothenfeldeFrankfurter Str. 15
49214 Bad Rothenfelde
Germany • Niedersachsen • Osnabrück

Product- / search words:

carpesol bad rothenfelde thermalbad sauna wellness spa

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