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Musikinstrumente und Noten als Edelstahlschmuck


About H.K.Heimo Kraut GmbH -steel design-

Stainless steel jewellery for musicians - instruments, sheet music, clef as a pendant for your necklace, as a charm on your bracelet, as an earring or as a key ring. The ideal music gift! For some years now, stainless steel jewellery has become more and more popular. And for good reason: it is more robust than silver jewellery, does not tarnish and does not rust. In addition, stainless steel jewellery can be combined in many ways - even with real jewellery! The filigree music pendants are made in Germany/Baden-Württemberg and then highly polished. Choose your matching music motif from our stainless steel jewellery range.

Information how to contact us:
Email us today
+49 (0)7082-5187
+49 (0)7082-5205
Contact us
Postal address:

H.K.Heimo Kraut GmbH -steel design-z. hp Ms. Ingeburg KrautSchwarzwaldstr. 4
75210 Keltern
Germany • Baden-Württemberg • Enzkreis

Product- / search words:

Musikschmuck Musikgeschenk Halskette Ohrringe Schlüsselanhänger Musikinstrumente Noten Notenschlüssel Edelstahlschmuck Anhänger an einer Halskette Musiker Musikmotiv Bettelarmband Karabiner Ohrstecker Ohrhaken Edelstahlanhänger Violine Kontrabass Cello E-Gitarre Akkordeon Harfe Piano Keyboard Violinschlüssel Altschlüssel Bassschlüssel klassische Gitarre Posaune Saxophon Tenorhorn Trompete Fanfare Klarinette Querflöte Schlagzeug 16tel-Note Doppelnote Edelstahl nickelfrei hochglanzpoliert Modeschmuck Schmuck Halsbänder Armbänder Accessoires Geschenkidee Geburtstag

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