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Technologie- und Gründerzentrum Wildau GmbH


About Technologie- und Gründerzentrum Wildau GmbH

Wildau Technology and Business Incubation Center (TGZ)is a mainstay of the modern practice-oriented university location of Wildau, playing its role in the technological and innovative development of the economic region. As a location for innovative technological entrepreneurs, TGZ works closely with the University of Applied Sciences Wildau (TFH Wildau) and other partners in the region to create an ideal environment for efficient technology transfer. This network is the seedbed for new companies, lasting growth and new jobs.Now that the TGZ building - a protected monument - has been renovated and the new extension built, we can offer companies 2.300 m² for modern offices, workshops and laboratories,as well as a new 1.100 m² production hall and fiveconference rooms.Close cooperation between the university, business and the TGZ allows flexible technical and entrepreneurial advisory services for innovative products and services. In return, the university needs direct contact with strong, innovative companies to further its vocational, up-to-date degree programs.You, too, can profit from the TGZ's network of cooperation partners, currently representing the following fields: medical technology, aerospace technology, environmental technology, nutritional technology, start-up consulting, marketing, business promotion, legal advice, and others.

Information how to contact us:
Email us today
+49 (0) 3375 - 52 04 - 0
+49 (0) 3375 - 52 04 11
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Postal address:

Technologie- und Gründerzentrum Wildau GmbHz. hp Mr. Gerhard JanßenFreiheitstraße 124-126
15745 Wildau
Germany • Brandenburg • Dahme-Spreewald

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job jobs Existenzgründer Jungunternehmer

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