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Hochdruckventilsysteme - high pressure valve systems

About ValEvo AG

UnternehmenValEvo AG entwickelt und produziert Magnetventile, CNG Ventilsysteme, CNG Filter, CNG Entlüftungsventile, GH2-Magnetventile für Wasserstoff Betankungsanlagen , sowie kundenspezifische Individuallösungen. CompanyValEvo AG develops and produces solenoid valves, CNG Valve Systems, CNG Filter, CNG Purge Valves, GH2 Solenoid Valves for hydrogen filling stations.With our know-how in valve technology of high-pressure gas we also develop customer-specific individual solutions.

Information how to contact us:
Email us today
+41 52 343 06 06
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Postal address:

ValEvo AGz. hp Reto SeitzIm Ifang 10
8307 Effretikon

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