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Enterprises of the building material branch act and expel numerous products from the areas of Building materials, construction systems and construction elements. It expects you the competence of the specialised trade, consultation and delivery from building materials, as well as an extensive offer of modern building materials and construction elements for your renovation, renovation or new building. On the portals, and you can expect offers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
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building materials trade & building elements

731 results found

Kuhla Natursteinhandel GmbH Spremberg

Laminatstudio & Bauelemente Ryszard Brzozowski Premnitz

Leisten-Beyer GmbH Berlin Neukölln

Lenz Stahlhandel GmbH NL Brandenburg Brandenburg

Liaplan Nord GmbH Havelsee / OT Briest-Krahnepuhl

M.E.H. Parketthandel Berlin Biesdorf

MAHLO Bau GmbH Berlin Marzahn

Marquardt-Bauelemente & Holzhandel GmbH Großbeeren

Menzel-Beton-Bausysteme GmbH Elsterwerda

Naturstein Schrocke Eggersdorf

Natursteinwerk Rathenow Rathenow


NENN Baustoffe Berlin Neustadt

Norddeutsche Mischwerke GmbH Berlin Charlottenburg

Ökologische Baustoffhandlung Wittenberge Wittenberge

P & S Buchholzer Natursteinhandel GmbH Schönerlinde

Pankau Naturstein -Steinmetzbetrieb Doberlug-Kirchhain

PERI Büro Cottbus Cottbus

Ranzinger Handels GmbH Stolpe

RBS Raffinerie-Bau-Schwedt GmbH Schwedt

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